M.D., J.D.
Charles Rawlings
Art of the Living Mollusk
The Art of the Living Mollusks as a finalist in the Readers' Favorite Book Award Contest!
5 star review by Mamta Madhavan for Readers' Favorite
Living mollusks are slowly disappearing due to environmental degradation and the destructive habits of human beings. The Art of the Living Mollusk by Charles E. Rawlings, MD, JD is a fabulous book that will delight readers who are dedicated to protecting the environment, the earth, and the ocean. This book is about the beautiful angles and curves of the mollusk and will raise awareness of how this living organism is much more than a dead shell. The author reveals the mystery of the creatures living underwater and gives readers a peek into their exclusive world. The book also gives a lot of interesting information about mollusks and their role in preserving the environment, their uniqueness, form, and color.
This book is a visual treat and the photos are clear and eyecatching. They teach readers about the family of mollusks, their beauty, and life. The topic is unique and will make readers aware of the creatures that exist underwater and realize the importance of protecting these creatures for the sake of the environment. The number of sea creatures discussed in The Art of the Living Mollusk is amazing and will leave readers awestruck by their beauty and contribution to the environment. The author weaves art, photography, and information together seamlessly, making it fascinating to readers. It is a good book to have in libraries as it can be used as reference material for projects and classroom discussions. This book will leave you wanting to learn more about the life that exists underwater and why it is important for the environment.
5 star review by Mamta Madhavan for Readers' Favorite
Charles E Rawlings, MD, JD travels the world in search of beautiful mollusks. The creatures in The Art of the Living Mollusk vary in size from a grain of rice to several inches across. They have spots, stripes, frills, and artistic patterns. Some look like flowers, others like snails. Every other page of this lovely book has an enlarged photograph of a beautiful mollusk. Alternating pages tell the stories of where Dr. Rawlings found them, who his guides and companions were, and how deep he had to dive to set up his lights. He even talks about which ones were cooperative enough to pose for the camera and which ones he had to sneak up on.
The Art of the Living Mollusk is Rawlings' third book of underwater photography. It’s his second collection of mollusks. Rather than aiming for photos to identify the creatures found living on corals under the sea, this collection focuses on art. A graceful eyestalk here. An attractive fringe there. A colorful contrast between the living mollusk and its background coral as often as possible. Rawlings' love of mollusks has taken him all over the world. These photos are worth the trips. Some tiny mollusks were photographed with a magnifying lens. The careful lighting pays off with photos that reveal delicate details. The friendships Dr. Rawlings has made on his photography adventures are also delightful. He and his friends spent hours underwater, sometimes in cold conditions, to obtain these artistic photographs. This kind of dedication is rare and we are lucky to enjoy the benefits of his patience, skill, and perseverance.